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PLCopen elects Erich Janoschek committee chairman

May 15, 2009 - At the previous meeting of the PLCopen Technical Committee for Safe Software (TC5), Mr. Erich Janoschek from TüV Rheinland in Cologne, Germany, was elected as the new chairman of this committee.

With this we enter a new phase with new activities. The new activities are focused to material presses used for metal forming. PLCopen TC5 adds this application specific area to the existing safety applications for machines and the general concepts as is made available by PLCopen.

This new activity ‘Extensions for Presses’ will be published as Part 4 in the existing line of software safety specifications.

We thank Mr. Michael Huelke from the BGIA, for his dedication to this work as chairman for many years, during which the PLCopen Safety technical specifications Part 1 – Concepts and Function Blocks, and Part 2 – User Guidelines were published.

About PLCopen
PLCopen was founded in 1992 as an independent worldwide association for industrial suppliers and users. It is the leading association resolving topics related to industrial control programming. PLCopen creates concepts to reduce the costs of industrial automation. These cost savings are realized in areas such as engineering, training, operation and maintenance. Together with its members, PLCopen creates specifications to materialize these concepts.

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