July 22, 2009 -- PLCopen accredited its second test institute, being the first test institute in China. The Shenyang Institute of Automation was accredited and with a positive result, receiving its accreditation for a period of 4 years.
“I am very glad that the PLCopen certification topics not only extended to a second institute, but in particular to a second region, i.c. China. This shows the importance of the industrial market in China where local products are under development including IEC 61131-3 development environments” stated Mr. Eelco van der Wal, Managing Director of PLCopen and as such the assessor for the institute. “I was impressed by the sense of quality of the people involved at this institute.”.
This accreditation is a formal recognition that the test laboratory is competent to carry out specific tests in compliance with the PLCopen guideline “Compliance Testing & Certification” for the certification of IEC 61131-3 related products supplied by PLCopen members.
“This is a step forward for us, to be able to certify software products. With this we support the local market, as well as give a clear signal that quality is important also in China” says Mr. Kai Wang of the Shenyang Institute of Automation.
The accreditation institute relates to:
Base Level for SFC (Sequential Function Chart) and FBD (Function Block Diagram), and
Conformity and Reusability Level for ST (Structured Text).
The Shenyang Institute of Automation (SIA) was founded in 1958 and is one of the highly respected research institutes within the Chinese Academy of Sciences. It is located in the city of Shenyang, in the Liaoning province.
The mission of the SIA is to develop the state-of-art robotic and automation technologies as well as to provide high-quality education and training.
About PLCopen
PLCopen was founded in 1992 as an independent worldwide association for industrial suppliers and users. It is the leading association resolving topics related to industrial control programming. PLCopen creates concepts to reduce the costs of industrial automation. These cost savings are realized in areas such as engineering, training, operation and maintenance. Together with its members, PLCopen creates specifications to materialize these concepts.
“I am very glad that the PLCopen certification topics not only extended to a second institute, but in particular to a second region, i.c. China. This shows the importance of the industrial market in China where local products are under development including IEC 61131-3 development environments” stated Mr. Eelco van der Wal, Managing Director of PLCopen and as such the assessor for the institute. “I was impressed by the sense of quality of the people involved at this institute.”.
This accreditation is a formal recognition that the test laboratory is competent to carry out specific tests in compliance with the PLCopen guideline “Compliance Testing & Certification” for the certification of IEC 61131-3 related products supplied by PLCopen members.
“This is a step forward for us, to be able to certify software products. With this we support the local market, as well as give a clear signal that quality is important also in China” says Mr. Kai Wang of the Shenyang Institute of Automation.
The accreditation institute relates to:
The Shenyang Institute of Automation (SIA) was founded in 1958 and is one of the highly respected research institutes within the Chinese Academy of Sciences. It is located in the city of Shenyang, in the Liaoning province.
The mission of the SIA is to develop the state-of-art robotic and automation technologies as well as to provide high-quality education and training.
About PLCopen
PLCopen was founded in 1992 as an independent worldwide association for industrial suppliers and users. It is the leading association resolving topics related to industrial control programming. PLCopen creates concepts to reduce the costs of industrial automation. These cost savings are realized in areas such as engineering, training, operation and maintenance. Together with its members, PLCopen creates specifications to materialize these concepts.
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