SoftPLC releases Smart Netbox industrial communication appliance
SoftPLC announces the Smart Netbox family of industrial communication appliances that includes routers, Ethernet switches, remote access modems, firewalls with VPN, and serial device servers.
DIN-rail mountable, and able to be powered with 12-48VDC or PoE (Power-over-Ethernet), all Smart Netbox units include a managed 4 port Ethernet switch with both LAN and WAN interfaces to support routing functions. Also included as standard are 4 serial ports.
Low cost options provide additional functionality:
Fiber optic interface (multi-mode or single-mode) allows for longer distance, more noise-immune cable runs and provides media conversion between different network cabling
Modem allows remote access to Ethernet devices by telephone for troubleshooting and maintenance
Device Server allows use of Smart Netbox serial ports over Ethernet
Firewall/VPN adds high-end network security and protection
This low-cost, ruggedized solution provides powerful communication support for a wide variety of application needs, while reducing spare parts cost and panel size requirements by combining functions onto a single compact hardware platform.
DIN-rail mountable, and able to be powered with 12-48VDC or PoE (Power-over-Ethernet), all Smart Netbox units include a managed 4 port Ethernet switch with both LAN and WAN interfaces to support routing functions. Also included as standard are 4 serial ports.
Low cost options provide additional functionality:
This low-cost, ruggedized solution provides powerful communication support for a wide variety of application needs, while reducing spare parts cost and panel size requirements by combining functions onto a single compact hardware platform.
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