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Materials which can be coated 可涂層材料

  High-speed tool steels, hot and cold processed steels, rust-resistant steels, annealed steels and carbides.


Heat treatment 熱處理要求

  Heat treatment must be carried out in such a manner that the coating temperature(250°C—up to 500°C) does not result in loss of hardness, not any change to the geometry or dimensions of the item. The hardness of the tools to be coated should not be less than that of uncoated tools.

  熱處理溫度必須高于涂層溫度(250°C到 500°C以上 )遭唠,以免造成硬度降低,形狀或者尺寸發(fā)生改變窄栓。涂層的工具硬度要高于不涂層的工具硬度颊姻。

Make-Up of the tools 模具結(jié)構(gòu)

  In order for the tool to be held, there must be holes, a thread or a surface which can remain uncoated. Surface which must not be coated should be capable of being covered by a mechanical, or physical mask.


  Tools with internal contours (drilled holes; slots; etc.) can be coated. Depending on the geometry, the coating thickness will diminish as their depth increases.


  Soldered and welded areas must resist temperatures of up to 600°C and must be free from air-bubbles, flux and cadmium. It should be noted that, during the coating process, which takes place over several hours in vacuum and involves temperatures of 400°to 500°C, the strength of the soldered and welded areas will reduce. This also applies to solders which can be used under vacuum. Tools which have been repaired by welding must have been annealed under stress-free conditions.


  Tools must not be clamped, glued or compressed. Blind holes and internal threads must be free from hardening salts and other forms of contamination. Cooling/tempering channels and runners must be open and clean.


Surface condition of tools 模具表面狀況

  The surfaces must be flat and smooth to bare metal. Ground surfaces must be free from burnished damage . Cutting edges must be free from burrs. Spark-eroded surfaces should be achieved in fine finish mode and oxide layer should be removed. Surfaces must be free from swarf, wax, adhesive strip, paint, residues from chemical smelting, etc.


Delivery method, packaging 包裝及運(yùn)輸

  Tools must be packed so that they cannot be damaged by external forces, or by striking against each other.The packing must also be suitable for use for the return of the tools. To protect against rust, the tools should be lightly coated with a water-repellent oil.


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