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GF阿奇夏米爾全球首席運營官柏楊先生(Mr. Pascal Boillat)在開幕慶典上的講話

 Good morning, ladies, gentlemen, Your, honored guests and colleagues. I am honored to be here with you for the official opening of GF AgieCharmilles’ Centers of Competence for Aeronautic and Aerospace, and Home Appliance, and I thank our hosts for their warm welcome.

  These Centers of Competence for the key market segments, Aerospace, Aeronautics and Home Appliances, demonstrate GF AgieCharmilles’ deep commitment to our customers and employees in China. They also demonstrate our commitment to our vision of being the global reference for excellence in precision machining. Further, these facilities – like every action by every member of the GF AgieCharmilles team worldwide – are evidence of a value we stand behind: “We put customers first.”

  While these two Centers of Competence are new, GF AgieCharmilles’ commitment to China is not new. We have had a manufacturing footprint here since 1993, beginning with our Beijing EDM machine manufacturing plant followed recently by our Milling plant in Changzhou, which we officially inaugurated in fall 2011.

  Today, Beijing Agie Charmilles has more than 300 employees, and GF AgieCharmilles has a total of 674 employees in China. The dedication of our employees over the past 20 years and the great support we have had from the Beijing Shunyi government have made it possible for GF AgieCharmilles to flourish. Because of this support, we have been able to use our technologies, products, expertise and services to advance the success of our customers, our employees, and the Chinese economy.

  As a longtime partner here in Beijing, GF AgieCharmilles continues to make significant investments in this market and in our own facilities in order to offer our customers the most competitive solutions.

  Our Center of Competence is a state-of-the-art platform to inspire our customers, trigger their increased competitiveness, and push the limits of our technologies. In addition, this is a place to develop tools to enable our customers’ success and give them the means to build the know-how to outperform their competitors.

  Today’s event marks a special place in GF AgieCharmilles history, but it also marks a beginning. These Centers of Competence are the first two of four such centers that we will establish throughout China, including Shanghai and Dongguan.

  Each will focus on the key competences we have built up over 50 years of closeness to customers in growing industrial segments around the world, and transfer technologies and large body of expertise to our customers.

  You have heard me use the word, “customers,” a lot today. There’s a reason for that. Customers are at the heart of GF AgieCharmilles, and at the heart of the Beijing Center of Competence.

  Today, we invite you to experience how we are better positioned than ever before as a source of strength to our customers in Aerospace and Aeronautics, Home Appliances, and other growing market segments. I think you will discover countless reasons why our customers turn to GF AgieCharmilles for the technologies, products, expertise and services they need to secure their success today, tomorrow, and beyond.

Thank you.



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