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CIMT2021圓滿落幕!總?cè)藬?shù)逾20萬 CIMT2021,More than 200,000 Attendance

CIMT2021 Comes to a Successful End!

The Total Number of Attendance is More than 200,000


CIMT2021(The 17th China International Machine Tool Show) was successfully concluded on April 17th, exhibitors and visitors were reluctantto leave the venue. Here is the total number of attendance, please pay attention to the follow-up comprehensive report of the CIMT2021.

4月12日,業(yè)界期待已久的CIMT2021展會隆重開幕蚓胸,各方人士匯聚于北京 中國國際展覽中心(新館)挣饥。眾多展臺被觀眾圍得水泄不通,大家都迫不及待地希望盡快了解最新的展品和技術(shù)沛膳。 據(jù)中國國際展覽中心(新館)門禁系統(tǒng)數(shù)據(jù)顯示扔枫,4月12-17日累計進館總?cè)藬?shù)200017人。受新冠疫情影響锹安,境內(nèi)外人員往來受到限制短荐,特別是在以往境外觀眾中占比較高的韓、日叹哭、印度忍宋、東南亞及中國臺灣地區(qū)采購商大幅減少,導致進館總?cè)藬?shù)與疫情前同期相比下降11.74%,但展商和觀眾的直觀感受是移良,本屆CIMT展會的火爆程度超乎預期挖榜。同時,在防疫要求下填级,觀眾采用實名制怎体,展商感受到觀眾質(zhì)量大幅提高。

April 12th, the CIMT2021 show has granted opened, which is long expectedby the industry, people from all sides gathered in Beijing China InternationalExhibition Center (New Venue). Many booths are packed with visitors, andeveryone can't wait to learn about the latest exhibits and technologies as soonas possible. Accordingto the data of access control system of China International Exhibition Center(New Venue), the total number of attendance was 200,017 during April 12-17. Affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, the domestic and overseas personnel exchanges were restricted, especially the purchasers from South Korea, Japan, India, Southeast Asia and China Taiwan region, which accounted for a high proportion of overseas visitors in the past, decreased significantly, resulting in a 11.74% drop in the total number of entering the venue compared with the same period before the pandemic, however, the intuitive feeling of exhibitors and visitors was that the CIMT2021 show was more popular than expectation. At the same time, under the requirements of COVID-19 pandemic prevention, the visitors were adopted by the real name system, and the exhibitors felt that the quality of the visitors has been greatly improved. The opening of CIMT2021 as scheduled has undoubtedly brought more expectations and attracted friends from all sides. According to a preliminary understanding, various user industries and enterprises in domestic and overseas trade system have sent professional purchasing groups, and they all come directly with purchasing tasks. Besides the professional media in the industry, many representatives of news media came to the exhibition, such as Xinhua News Agency, CCTV and Economy Daily also sent reporters to interview the exhibition, which reflected their concern for the entity industry and the machine tool and equipment manufacturing industry. At the same time, representatives of finance, security and other fields paid more attention to the machine tool industry as well.



名稱:第十七屆中國國際機床展覽會(CIMT2021)展期:2021年4月12-17日主題:融合共贏  智造未來地點:北京 中國國際展覽中心(新館)地址:北京順義天竺裕翔路88號主辦:中國機床工具工業(yè)協(xié)會
承辦:中國機床工具工業(yè)協(xié)會        中國國際展覽中心集團公司


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