延 期 通 知
Postponement Announcement
Dear Exhibitors, Visitors and Partners,
In accordance with the Notice on Suspend Holding Exhibitions issued by Special Team on pneumonia epidemic prevention and control for exhibition activities under pneumonia epidemic prevention and control headquarter of Bao’an District of Shenzhen Municipal, since October 25, Shenzhen World Exhibition & Convention Center will suspend holding exhibitions and events. In order to implement the above Notice, we regret to announce that South China International Advanced Electronics, Automation and Laser Expo 2021 (including electronica South China, productronica South China, Laser South China) and co-located exhibitions China (Shenzhen) Machine Vision Exhibition and Machine Vision Technology & Application Conference and South China Circuit Board International Trade and Procurement Fair, scheduled on Oct 28-30, 2021 in Shenzhen World Exhibition & Convention Center, will bepostponed to Nov 23-25, 2021 at the same venue.
At this critical moment, it’s our priority to protect health, safety and success of our exhibitors, visitors and partners. We’ve been serving the electronics and photonics industry in China since 2002 and gone through difficulties and harvest times together. We encourage everyone to stay confident and optimistic for the bright future ofChina and ourselves as well.
Kindly accept our sincere apology for any inconvenience caused by this change, but your safety is our top concern. Thank you all for your continuous support and we do hope that you will receive this information in time and you are able to make adjustments accordingly. If you have any question, please also feel free to contact us.
We wish you all the best and good health!
Yours sincerely,
Messe Muenchen Shanghai Co.,Ltd.
Oct 26, 2021
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