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關(guān)于第十六屆深圳國際激光與智能裝備队腐、光子技術(shù)博覽會(huì)和LMN 2022世界激光制造大會(huì)延期定檔通知

國際金屬加工網(wǎng) 2022年09月26日



原定于2022914-16日在深圳國際會(huì)展中心(寶安新館)舉辦的第十六屆深圳國際激光與智能裝備碗帅、光子技術(shù)博覽會(huì)(LFSZ 2022)和LMN 2022世界激光制造大會(huì)(LMN 2022)將延期至2022113-5日,舉辦地點(diǎn)不變豹爹。







Notice of Postponement of LFSZ 2022 and LMN 2022

Dear exhibitors, visitors and partners,

In order to secure all participants’ health and safety effectively and to protect exhibitors' benefits to the full extent, after prudent consideration, the organizing committee of LASERFAIR SHENZHEN and LMN World Laser Manufacturing Conference decided to make the following announcement:

LASERFAIR SHENZHEN 2022 (LFSZ 2022) and LMN World Laser Manufacturing Conference 2022 (LMN 2022), originally scheduled to be held on 14-16 September, 2022 at Shenzhen World Exhibition and Convention Center (Bao’an New Hall) will be postponed to 3-5 November, 2022. The show venue remains the same.

We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience caused by the postponement of the exhibition. We deeply appreciate all the parties for your understanding and support. We will keep promoting the preparations and carry out comprehensive marketing campaigns and visitor promotion with all-out efforts.

Every cloud has a silver lining. Though being late, we are looking forward to a great gathering of all our friends at this industrial event of high quality in South China!

Hannover Milano XZQ Exhibitions (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.

23 September, 2022

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