Ultra Fast Processing Speed |
High-Speed and Wide Area of Control |
High-speed control, improvement of product quality, elimination of external controller, reduction of tact time, and instantaneous response |
The design of the FA-M3 R is based on the High-speed IPRS design concept, which aims to deliver the high-speed performance that developers have come to expect. Analysis has been conducted from every angle to deliver a controller that is the fastest device possible, is stable, links with other devices, and can be used over a network. The FA-M3 R is much faster than its predecessors and this increased speed yields higher operational stability, improved system accuracy and productivity, and greater scalability.
Reduces tact time and improves quality Fast scan time of 20,000 steps/ms*1 (four times faster than the previous model) |
Ladder programs make ample use of application instructions to improve productivity, make operations easier to perform, and provide network and troubleshooting functions. To make the best use of these advanced functions and maximize system performance, computation speed has to be improved. The FA-M3 R is ideally suited for this task, being able to scan 20,000 steps per millisecond with conventional programs (approximately 50% application instructions) and improving scan time 4 to 11 times with more advanced application programs.
*1: This scan time will vary depending on program content and system configuration.
Instruction Processing Speed | |
Instruction |
F3SP53,F3SP58 |
17.5 to 3.5 ns |
Timer |
175 ns |
70 ns |
Compare |
70 ns |
Add/Subtract |
105 ns |
Logical Operation |
105 ns | | |
Improves productivity and quality by decreasing response time Digital filter: Min. 0 ms |
Although the FA-M3 R reduces processing time by improving scan time, it increases the ratio of input/output time. As a solution, Yokogawa focused on total response time (input program → execution (processing) → output) and allowed variable time constants to be set to "0." This improved response time (circuit delay: Min. 100 μs). In addition, use of the high-speed contact output module (F3XD16-3H) will enable data input with a response time of 10 μs.
Interrupt response time: 100 μs |
Response time for interrupts from DC input modules is as fast as 100 μs. This means that the system can immediately respond to changes in inputs, enabling instantaneous high-speed control. |
Requires no separate controller Constant scan time for sensor control function: 200 μs min. |
To respond at intervals of a few hundred microseconds, it is normal for a small, high-speed PLC or sensor controller to be installed separately from the main PLC. The FA-M3 R eliminates this redundancy with its own sensor control function that performs multi-scan processing and enables a high-speed response. This allows constant scanning to be performed concurrently to the main scan without being influenced by the main scan’s longer scan time (which is necessitated by advanced system functions). This is suitable for applications in which a high level of machining accuracy is required, since one block (program) can be run at high-speed constant intervals (200 μs or more) apart from the main scan.
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