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State of the art

Bevel gears and spiroid gears are manufactured and measured with same brand equipment (only two manufacturers in US and Europen Union and one in Russia), this means a monopolistic market position of these companies and high prices for complete manufacturing and measuring solution. A possible alternative is to measure gear topography on a multipurpose 3D CMM (Coordinate Measuring Machine) and generate correction data with a specific software. This method is slow and point-to-point.


Specific Innovation objectives: promote us of GMM instead of CMM

1. Objective of this project is to develop an 'independent' software module for measurement on standard gear measuring machine (GMM) diameter 500 mm, support distance 1000 mm. GMM are more compact, provide continous measurement, are faster and more accurate than 3D CMMs, are specifically developed for gears, and could be used directly in the production floor.


2. Develop an independent and universal software module for correction of machine parameters, both for hobbing and grinding technology, for different brands of machines. 

3. Facilitate use of GMM in production floor instead of 3D measuring machines in calibration room.


Market impact and benefits

The main impact and benefit on the market will be the possibility to correct parameters on different production machines, independently from brand, thus allowing more competition among hobbing and grinding machine manufacturers in Europe.


Patent and exploitation of results

The partners have an agreement referring to the exploitation of the project outcomes.


Specific benefits for project team partners

Feanor and B

Feanor will increase knowledge about topography tooth analysis, which can be used for further measuring machine development and cooperation with gear machine tool manufacturers.


C will be able to correct machine parameters on different type of machines (brands) and different manufacturing technologies, will shift gear control to the workshop from the calibration room, thus reducing lead time, improve time-to-market, save space in manufacturing plant and use a compact and fast GMM instead of a large and slow multipurpose measuring machine.??

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