Super accurate
5 Axis center pushes accuracy limits
Akihiro Kitamura is especially proud of the company’s new 5-axis machining center Super-Trunnion, which was shown for the first time ever at EMO Hannover. Beginning in 1986, the 73 year old company has made manufactured highend machining centers with machining accuracy of 3 microns to begin with, reducing the limit over time to 2 microns. Now, for the first time, with Super-Trunnion Kitamura is able to guarantee 1 micron accuracy. Key to the new machine design is a rigid box-way construction with a positioning accuracy of 60.001/full stroke. The energy saving high-performance 40-taper spindle has a 4-step gearing and reaches 15 000 min-1. The spindle is a further development of the company’s legendary 2-step gear driven spindle. The system achieves high torque (157 Nm) with a 13 kilowatt spindle motor. The 15 000 min-1 spindle covers applications ranging from heavy
cutting at low rpm (20 min1) to high-speed cutting and finishing.
A 20000 min-1 spindle is available as an option. kf
Kitamura Machinery Co. Ltd.,
Hall 27, Stand B57
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