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EMO powers machine tool growth
Exhibitors express satisfaction with business prospects
The Cecimo decision to hold EMO twice in a row in Hanover has already paid full dividends. As the organisation team of Dr. Fred Steiner, Dr. Detlev Elsinghorst and Christoph Miller, told EMO Daily, the response of exhibitors to the EMO Hannover 2005 has been overwhelming. Once again, EMO Hannover proved to be the perfect location to attract international visitors to the world's most important machine tool event.?Looking around the fairground, the huge growth in visitors from Asia was an obvious feature of this year's event. A brief survey of exhibitors (see page 3 and 4) shows that the quality and quantity of visitors surpassed most expectations, with booked-business well up on last time. Given the success of this year's show, the organising team is already looking forward to preparing the EMO Hannover 2007.  kf

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